End of Life Ireland

Irish Doctors supporting Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) are a group of medical doctors who support choices for people at the end of their lives.

Read more here www.maid.ie

Through public advocacy and workshops with doctors in Ireland, Irish Doctors supporting Medical Assistance in Dying campaign for the introduction of MAiD in Ireland.

They made a submission to the Oireachtas on the 2020 Dignity in Dying Bill which you can download from here.


Dr Brendan O’Shea delivered a talk ‘Whose Death is it anyway? How we Die matters’ at TEDxDunLaoghaire. Brendan advocated that patients should have ownership of their death and explores Medical Assistance in Dying as a choice for people at end of life.

He articulates how we die is an integral part of a good life.

MAiD on TV

Dr Mark Murphy respresented the views of MAiD on UPFRONT with Katie Hannon. You can view the programme from here